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The Danish National Research Foundation:
Network in Mathematical Physics and Stochastics

Funded by The Danish National Research Foundation
Mathematical Physics Seminar
Thursday, 12 February 2004, at 11:00 in G1
Horia Cornean
Aalborg University
A rigorous proof for the Landauer-Büttiker formula

Recently, Avron and his co-workers reopened the question of quantum transport in mesoscopic samples coupled to particle reservoirs by semi-infinite leads. They give a rigorous analysis of the case when the sample undergoes an adiabatic evolution, which generates a current through the leads (the so called BPT formula). Using a tight-binding framework, we complement their work by giving a rigorous proof of the Landauer-Büttiker formula, which deals with the current generated by an adiabatic evolution on the leads. As it is well known in physics, these formulae link the conductance coefficients for such systems to the $S$-matrix of the associated scattering problem. As an application, we discuss the resonant transport through a quantum dot. The single charge tunneling processes are mediated by extended edge states simultaneously localized near several leads. This work is joint with A. Jensen and V. Moldoveanu

Contact person:Arne Jensen.