[MaPhySto logo]
The Danish National Research Foundation Network
in Mathematical Physics and Stochastics
Danish National Research Foundation
Center for Quantum Optics

Both MaPhySto and QUANTOP are funded by The Danish National Research Foundation

Joint MaPhySto and QUANTOP Workshop on

Quantum Measurements and Quantum Stochastics

Thursday 7 - Tuesday 12 August, 2003
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aarhus

Auditorium F, Building 532

click here if you want to enlarge the group photo

How to get to the Workshop


In recent years the subject of quantum measurement has attracted a lot of attention from the physics, mathematics and computer science communities. To a large extent this has happened due to the growth of the new interdisciplinary area of quantum information. The workshop will bring together some of the leading experts in the field of quantum measurement and stochastics from the mathematics, experimental and theoretical physics sides.

Organizing Committee:

Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen (MaPhySto, University of Aarhus)
Richard D. Gill (University of Utrecht)
Elena R. Loubenets (MaPhySto, University of Aarhus)
Klaus Mølmer (QUANTOP, University of Aarhus)
Eugene Polzik (QUANTOP, University of Copenhagen)

Invited Speakers:


Thursday August 7
09:00-10:00: Registration and welcome words
10:00-10:50: Alexander S. Holevo (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow): Asymptotic estimation theory of the shift parameter of a quantum state
11:00-11:50: Ignacio Cirac (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany): Entanglement of Gaussian states and spin systems
14:30-15:20: Keiji Matsumoto (National Institute of Informatics, Quantum Computation Group, Tokyo): Asymptotic quantum estimation theory and Berry-Uhlmann curvature
15:30-16:20: Christopher A. Fuchs (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, New Jersey): What is the difference between a quantum observer and a weatherman?
16:30-17:00: Madalin Guta (Eurandom, Eindhoven): Sieved maximum likelihood state estimation
17:00-19:00: Get-together and lab tour
Friday, August 8
09:00-09:50: Christof Wunderlich (Institut für Laser-Physik, Universität Hamburg): Quantum measurements with individual ions
10:10-11:00: Elena R. Loubenets (University of Aarhus): On the quantum probabilistic model
11:10-12:00: François Bardou (IPCMS, Strasbourg): Jumps and heavy tails in three microscopic systems
14:30-15:20: K.R. Parthasarathy (Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi): Construction of non-stabilizer error-correcting quantum codes
15:30-16:20: Peter E. Jupp (University of St. Andrews): Some aspects of quantum statistical inference
16:30-17:00: Robert Spekkens (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo): In defense of the view that quantum states are states of knowledge
17:00: Discussion
Saturday, August 9
09:00-09:50: Howard Wiseman (Griffith University ): The interpretation of non-Markovian stochastic Schrödinger equations: hidden variables
10:10-11:00: Asher Peres (Technion, Haifa): Quantum information and relativity theory
11:10-12:00: Marcel Bökstedt (University of Aarhus): Entanglement and geometric invariant theory
13:30-18.00: EXCURSION
Monday, August 11
09:00-09:50: Viacheslav P. Belavkin (University of Nottingham): Quantum causality, stochastics and solution of the measurement problem
10:10-11:00: Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano (Northwestern University, Evanston): Universal and programmable measuring devices, and quantum calibration
11:10-12:00: Hideo Mabuchi (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena): Continuous measurement, quantum metrology, and quantum information
14:30-15:20: Masahito Hayashi (Quantum Computation and Information Project, ERATO, JST, Tokyo): Quantum central limit theorem and quantum estimation
15:30-16:20: Vladimír Buzek (Research Center for Quantum Information, Bratislava): Quantum state reconstruction and optimal manipulations with quantum information
16:30-17:00: Manuel A. Ballester Sanchez (Utrecht University): Estimation of unitary quantum operations
17:00: Discussion
Tuesday, August 12
09:00-09:50: Jean-Claude Zambrini (University of Lisbon): Euclidean quantum mechanics in the momentum representation
10:10-11:00: Richard D. Gill (University of Utrecht): Quantifying nonlocality-of-entanglement
11:10-12:00: Jan-Åke Larsson (University of Linköping): Bell inequalities for position measurements

Social Arrangements

Thursday 7 August at 5 pm:
Get-together and tour to the QUANTOP Laboratory

Saturday 9 August at 1 pm: Excursion to Ebeltoft, approx. 1 hour bus transport
Walk in the small, charming town of Ebeltoft, one of the oldest Danish market towns, with possibility to visit the Glasmuseum and Fregatten Jylland.
More information at http://www.glasmuseet.dk/ and http://www.fregatten-jylland.dk
Coffee/tea and cake at the restaurant `Den Skæve Kro', in one of Ebeltoft's oldest buildings.
Return to Aarhus at approx. 6 pm.

Monday 11 August at 7 pm:
Workshop dinner at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.


Contributed Talks and Poster Sessions

See the registration form.

Registration Fee

The registration fee, covering lunches and two daily coffee/tea breaks, is EURO 150 or DKK 1100.


A limited number of grants for younger researchers, covering accommodation, meals, and registration fee can be applied for, leaving only travel expenses to be paid.
If you wish to apply for a grant please send an application including a CV to the Secretariat of MaPhySto at the address below.


Please register via the registration form at your earliest convenience before July 1, 2003 .

If you have problems in downloading the registration form please contact the MaPhySto secretariat at maphysto@maphysto.dk.

List of Participants

Information material

More Information

Do not hesitate to contact the MaPhySto secretariat (at maphysto@maphysto.dk) for more information.